I remember a "Choose Your Own Adventure"-style novel whose title I cannot remember. I read it sometime between 2010 and 2016 (throwing darts at a memory board). It is an English title, and I believe it was a paperback with a red car on the cover. It had a few black and white line images, I believe, but was otherwise text. Second-person narration seems most likely from what I recall.
It starts off as a race in the Italian Alps, with you and your (female?) partner barely reaching a checkpoint in time. A man at a desk writes down some stuff and waves you off next. A good portion of the book revolves around finishing the race.
Another portion of the plot involves choices that lead to your kidnapping, you being the son of a wealthy figure. Escaping/evading capture makes up another major portion of the book. One possible way you get captured is a scruffy man offering to "go on a walk" with you, and you don't refuse because of his gun holster announcing itself silently.
A possible match is Behind the Wheel by R. A. Montgomery, but I do not own a copy to check if the details match my memory.