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Questions tagged [david-copperfield]

Questions about the novel 'David Copperfield' (1850) by Charles Dickens. Use with the tag [charles-dickens].

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Why is the novel called David Copperfield?

In chapter 14 of David Copperfield, the eponymous narrator is adopted by his great-aunt, Betsey Trotwood. She decides to rename him:      "I have been thinking, do you know, Mr. Dick, that I ...
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Metafictionality in Chapter 11 of David Copperfield?

In Chapter 11 of David Copperfield, the eponymous narrator describes how Mr Micawber, in debtors' prison, draws up a petition for reforming the law around such imprisonment. He and his friend Captain ...
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Pins in Chapter 1 of David Copperfield

In Chapter 1 of David Copperfield, the narrator says: My mother was sitting by the fire, but poorly in health, and very low in spirits, looking at it through her tears, and desponding heavily about ...
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Why does David Copperfield say he is born on a Friday rather than a Saturday?

The second and third sentences of David Copperfield are as follows: To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believe) on a Friday, at ...
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Why does Heep refer to Copperfield sometimes as mister and sometimes as master?

In Dickens' David Copperfield, the character Uriah Heep refers to David sometimes as "Mister Copperfield" and sometimes as "Master Copperfield." Other times, he makes a point to ...
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Who is the "unconscious stranger of Mrs. Micawber’s last letter" in "David Copperfield"?

From chapter 52 of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens: His house was not far off; and as the street-door opened into the sitting-room, and he bolted in with a precipitation quite his own, we found ...
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