When was the circle story technique first used? By circle story technique I mean a story that reveals the end at the beginning of the story and then jumps backwards to tell the story from its start.
I've seen this much more in movies and TV shows. But I doubt movies and TV were the first to do this, so I'm asking about books or even pre-novels, such as The Canterbury Tales. I'm not the best at coming up with examples, but in the first scene or chapter, in a circle story, the climatic moment (i.e. when the murder occurs) is given to the reader/viewer. Then we back up and find out what lead to this climax. (i.e. why did the murder occur, what lead to that happening) The main flow of the story is the climax first, then back up and work your way back to the climax, showing how/why it happened.
What book or story was the first to use this technique?