The Melford Hall Manuscript was acquired by the British Library after the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport placeed an export bar on the work in a bid to save the manuscript for the nation. It is now freely available online in digitised form.
A summary of the contents reveals:
Alongside the poetry of Donne, the volume also features verse by other
contemporary writers such as Francis Beaumont (1584–1616), Thomas
Carew (1595–1640) and Sir Thomas Overbury (1581–1613). It also
intriguingly contains a series of six currently unknown and
unattributed seventeenth-century poems.
which accords with the Guardian's report. Looking at the contents in detail gives the descriptions of the poems as:
Unattributed poem. Copy titled ‘A Paradox’, beginning ‘Who so
tearmes Love a fiere, may like a poet’.ff. 46v.-47r.
Unattributed poem. ‘In his play’, beginning ‘Part a triangle with
a down right line’.ff. 136r.-136v.
Unattributed poem. Copy untitled, beginning ‘Eyes doe not perswade me
to beleeve’. f. 137r.
Unattributed poem. Copy titled ‘Upon the advantages of nature and a
solitary life’, beginning ‘I wish to have some little it of
ground’.ff. 143r.-143v.
Unattributed poem. Copy titled ‘Upon ye vanity of Love’,
beginning ‘Strange it may seem’.f. 143v.
Unattributed poem. Copy titled 'A song of his mistress’,
beginning ‘The powers above have me refus’d’.ff. 144r.-188r.