Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “To a Skylark” discusses human nature as compared to the “blithe spirit”. Shelley all throughout the poem is sure that Skylark was in joy, he was not in dilemma as Wordsworth when he saw a highland lass and said
Will no one tell me what she sings?
Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things.
And Battles long ago:Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of to-day?
Same natural sorrow, loss or pain,
that has been, and may be again.
Shelley was so sure of Skylark’s happy song that he even that far as to say
Sound of vernal showers
On the twinkling grass,
Rain-awaken’d flowers
All that ever was
Joyous and clear and fresh thy music doth surpass.
As the poem progresses, Shelley starts to compare the human qualities with that of “blithe spirit”. And just a little later he says
Yet, if we could scorn
Hate and pride and fear,
If we were things born
Not to shed a tear,
I know not how thy joy we ever should come near.
Why did Shelley want to scorn fear? What kind of fear does Shelley want to scorn?