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Questions tagged [go-set-a-watchman]

For questions about "Go Set A Watchman", the novel by Harper Lee. Use in conjunction with [harper-lee].

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13 votes
1 answer

Did Harper Lee intend Go set a Watchman to be published?

Despite sharing many of the same characters, the books Go set a Watchman and To Kill a mockingbird portray the same characters in very different ways. I am also made suspicious of how old Harper Lee ...
Matrim Cauthon's user avatar
9 votes
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Should Go Set a Watchman change our view of Atticus defending Tom Robinson?

I do realize that the passage of To Kill a Mockingbird where Atticus defended Tom Robinson has been heavily analyzed elsewhere at this point. However, it seems like most people got the impression that ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
12 votes
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Was Tom Robinson's trial the only inconsistency between To Kill A Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman?

In case you were unaware, (spoilers for both) This quote is from Go Set a Watchman for those who want proof Was this the only major inconsistency between the two novels? I am not asking for you ...
Matrim Cauthon's user avatar
13 votes
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Should Go Set a Watchman be read as a prequel, or an early draft?

It was established in this question that Go Set a Watchman should be read after To Kill A Mockingbird. However, in the comments, LaurenIpsum pointed out that a better question might be "Should Go Set ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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16 votes
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Should Go Set A Watchman be read before To Kill A Mockingbird?

Given that Go Set A Watchman takes place after To Kill A Mockingbird, we would think that we should read it second. However, Go Set A Watchman was probably a first draft of To Kill A Mockingbird. I am ...
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