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5 votes

Is there any known tune for the last two verses of Rudyard Kipling's Parade Song of the Camp Animals?

The Kipling Society offers no indication that "Commissariat Camels" or "All the Beasts Together" have corresponding tunes. In their page devoted to the "Parade Song", the ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Is there any evidence to support the claim that Mowgli's character was inspired by Dina Sanichar?

The numerous attestations that Sanichar was the inspiration for Mowgli seem, for the most part, reference-less. One (in my opinion significant) piece of evidence to the contrary is Kipling's memoir ...
CDR's user avatar
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Is there any known tune for the last two verses of Rudyard Kipling's Parade Song of the Camp Animals?

The last verse is in trochaic tetrameter, and there are numerous hymns in this meter (see this list) and probably countless other songs which you could borrow the music from. For example: Christ from ...
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