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28 votes

What is meant by the title "The Color of Money"?

In the novel, Tevis writes: His skill on the arena of green cloth—cloth that was itself the color of money—could never be only pretense. So the idea is making the connection between the green baize ...
D. A. Hosek's user avatar
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What is meant by the title "The Color of Money"?

D. A. Hosek's quote from the novel is interesting and relevant, but fails to note that it riffing on an old phrase. The Colour of Money The colour of money is a phrase that is often used in the ...
Pete's user avatar
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What is meant by the title "The Color of Money"?

A compendium of examples I have recently stumbled across a couple uses of the idiom, and I've found them enlightening. Here's a list, which I will add to over time: Said by a loan shark to a third ...
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