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16 votes

Did Robert Jordan name himself after Hemingway's character?

Unfortunately he did not, though it's a great thought! According to this excerpt from a 1997 interview he did on the DragonCon SciFi Channel Chat (yah, before the name change): ISHAMAEL What made you ...
Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2's user avatar
15 votes

Was Rand al'Thor supposed to be a symbol for Jesus?

From an interview here: Q: How much of Jesus Christ is there in Rand? We have the wounded palms, side wound, crown of swords... How representational of Jesus Christ is Rand? ROBERT JORDAN: ...
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Who killed this Forsaken in The Fires of Heaven?

Asmodean's killer is revealed in Towers of Midnight. The glossary entry for Graendal states: "A ruthless killer, she was responsible for the deaths of Aran'gar and Asmodean and for the destruction ...
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Robert Jordan Pseudonyms?

Four. From an interview with the man himself in St. Petersburg: Tahir Velimeev: By the way, how many names does the multifaceted James Oliver Rigney, Jr. have? Robert Jordan: Not very many, ...
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What were the inspirations for the Forsaken's names?

Jordan uses many mythological and historical sources for the Forsaken. Some etymologies are more clear than others. I'll go through each of them: Aginor: Aginor was a character in the Iliad who ...
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3 votes

What was Ishamael doing for three thousand years?

He was doing "Bad Stuff" The wiki lists two possibilities on whether he was trapped or not. He was either A. half sealed and able to be spun out of the prison, or B. never trapped. One of the ...
Matrim Cauthon's user avatar
2 votes

How does Mazrim Taim's timeline work out?

Here's what it says in The Wheel of Time Companion: While not a Darkfriend originally, he was always prime material for them, a man far more interested in wealth and power than anything else, ...
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meaning of "mind-twisting"

In this context Mr Jordan is referring to an in-universe concept called "Mind-Twisting", which is essentially what it says on the tin - physically twisting things using one's mind.
motosubatsu's user avatar
1 vote

Is the Blue Ajah portrayed as "the good Ajah"?

No, There is no evidence Firstly, here is a list of statistics from the WoT wiki about the numbers of Black Ajah Red: forty-eight (making at least 24% of all Red sisters actually Black, best guess is ...
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