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What did Peer Gynt look like?

Details are scarce. The script for the play introduces Peer Gynt with the description: [PEER GYNT, a strongly-built youth of twenty, comes down the pathway. His mother, ASE, a small, slightly built ...
CDR's user avatar
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Was Ibsen really so influential in the history of theatre?

tl;dr Yes. Deets Ibsen had high ambitions for his plays. His early plays, such as Peer Gynt (1867), were written in verse to signal their seriousness. But beginning with The Pillars of Society (1877), ...
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How did Ibsen's writing in A Doll's House influence the James Joyce character Molly Bloom?

While Ibsen was indeed a great influence on Joyce in many ways, there is no evidence that Ibsen's writing in A Doll's House influenced Joyce's character Molly Bloom from Ulysses. While the onus really ...
fundagain's user avatar
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Is the title best translated "A Dollhouse", "A Doll House" or "A Doll's House"?

The clue is in the place of publication of the Fjelde translation - New York. The child's toy is called a dollhouse in American English, but a doll's house in British English. Evidently Fjelde didn't ...
Kate Bunting's user avatar
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Did Ibsen have any known response to Shaw's Quintessence of Ibsenism?

The Quintessence of Ibsenism was based on a lecture that Shaw gave to the Fabian Society in July 1890. This lecture (although not The Quintessence itself as such) was brought to Ibsen's notice by the ...
Clara Díaz Sanchez's user avatar
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Is the title best translated "A Dollhouse", "A Doll House" or "A Doll's House"?

tl;dr A Doll's Home would appear to fit best. Deets This is what I gather from conversations with one native speaker each of Norwegian and Danish, and from consulting a book by Egil Törnqvist that CDR ...
verbose's user avatar
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3 votes

Is the title best translated "A Dollhouse", "A Doll House" or "A Doll's House"?

I would note that dukkehjem appears to be a coinage by Ibsen based on a cursory search on the Danish Wikipedia where the only articles using the word are those referring to the play or its subsequent ...
D. A. Hosek's user avatar
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Is the ending of A Doll's House satisfactory and moral?

tl;dr Yes. Deets: 1. Introduction You're actually asking two different questions about A Doll's House: Is the ending satisfactory? Is the ending moral? The two are not the same. A play might have a ...
verbose's user avatar
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Was Ibsen really so influential in the history of theatre?

Not a complete answer by any means, but he did address social issues in a way that was evidently seen as quite shocking (or at least highly controversial) at the time. For example, A Doll's House is ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
2 votes

Why are Ibsen Dramas in particular mentioned in Reginald?

(Originally posted as a comment on the question, and converted to an answer as it was suggested to do so.) It's hard to be sure, but we can make a guess: If you search the internet for the phrase “...
ShreevatsaR's user avatar
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Did 'A Doll's House' spark controversy over its dismissal of social classes?

There is no evidence that A Doll's House dismisses social classes. The focus of the play is squarely on the middle class characters. The working class figures, such as the porter who brings in the ...
verbose's user avatar
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