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What are "Platt Skeet" and "Whoof, whoof"?

I think the passage illustrates how Sir Eustace Pedler looks down on people who speak Afrikaans. Afrikaans was already a separate language from Dutch at the time when Agatha Christie published the ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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Why did Anna Akhmatova use that last name?

It seems we can’t know that for sure. Akhmatova adopted this pseudonym as a teenager since her father didn’t want her to use his last name. Lydia Chukovskaya remembers her conversation with Akhmatova ...
b4rtr's user avatar
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Why does Telemachus hang the women instead of following Odysseus' instructions?

The explanation given by Telemachus at 22.462–464 is that death by the sword is καθαρός (“clean, spotless”), and this is too good for the women who rebuked Telemachus and Penelope and had sex with the ...
Gareth Rees's user avatar
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Bathing and marriage in ancient Greek culture

Book 6 of the Odyssey seems to be organized in the form of a marriage of Nausicaa and Odysseus—not a real wedding, but the individual steps of a wedding, in play or mock. There are several theories ...
Gareth Rees's user avatar
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Bathing and marriage in ancient Greek culture

One translation (The Odyssey with an English Translation by A.T. Murray, PH.D. in two volumes) Nausicaa, how comes it that thy mother bore thee so heedless? Thy bright raiment is lying uncared for; ...
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