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Does "football" mean "rugby" in Winter Holiday by Arthur Ransome?

It could be less about the period and more about the specific social/cultural context. According to this BBC interview with sports historian Tony Collins (who has written multiple books on the history ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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How many of the Swallows & Amazons stories are metafictional?

As far as I recall Peter Duck is the only explicitly metafictional story in the series. As you recall it is specifically mentioned that Peter Duck is a fictional character (within the S&A '...
Pat Dobson's user avatar
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Are the location inspirations clear from the text of Swallows & Amazons?

It was pretty clear when I hiked on Wetherlam and along Hole Rake that that was the setting of Pigeon Post: Wetherlam = High Topps. This is borne out by the books by Hugh Brogan and Christina ...
kimchi lover's user avatar
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To what folklore about rats and skirts does this allude?

The NYC subway incident proves that a rat running up a human being's leg is not just a fantasy. Note that the victim, Ana Vargas, was wearing trousers. It could have been a man's leg, but in that case ...
Jacob Wegelin's user avatar
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To what folklore about rats and skirts does this allude?

Almost certainly he means what you say. Not so much folklore as a folk memory of what may have been a real possibility (see this) in the days when women wore full-length skirts and no drawers. Yes, ...
Kate Bunting's user avatar
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Does "football" mean "rugby" in Winter Holiday by Arthur Ransome?

At my (public) school (in England 'public' schools are actually private i.e. one has to pay fees for the privilege of attending), it is common for rugby football as a sport to be described as either '...
user14256's user avatar

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