I went through Tolstoy's story [God Sees the Truth, But Waits](http://www.online-literature.com/tolstoy/2061/) but I wonder what the title suggests and how it suits the story in regard to the protagonist Aksionov. 

A good innocent man is wrongly imprisoned on charge of a murder, punished for 26 years and is made to lose everything and his entire life for no fault or crime of his, but only on the basis of evidence.

Then, the truth comes to light in the end when the actual murderer Makar Semyonich confesses it and the order for the release of Aksionov comes but Aksionov is dead by then.

I understand that God knows the truth that Makar committed the murder but waits to punish him and he gets punished even if delayed. So, the title of the story sounds suitable in the case of Makar.

But in the case of the protagonist Aksionov, God knows the truth that he is innocent but He made him suffer so long - 26 years - in prison & lose his entire life and why his life is taken away in the climax when he is granted release.

In the case of Aksionov, what truth did God see and what did God wait for - whether to bring to light his innocence and restore the life with his family that he deserved or to end the life of such a good and innocent man so cruelly and unjustly?

What is Leo Tolstoy trying to convey through this story and what does the title suggest in regard to Aksionov?

I really don't understand how to relate the title and the plight of Aksionov and I am baffled about the title and the climax of the story.