Questions tagged [the-fall]

Questions about Albert Camus's 1956 novel 'The Fall' (French: 'La chute'). Use this tag with the tags [albert-camus] and [french-literature].

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3 answers

Why would not giving money to the poor qualify a person as a Sadducee?

In the first chapter of Albert Camus's novel The Fall, the narrator asks his addressee a few questions: Possédez-vous des richesses? Quelques-unes? Bon. Les avez-vous partagées avec les pauvres? ...
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1 answer

Meaning of «Ah! les Bazaine» in La chute / The Fall

In Albert Camus's novel La chute / The Fall, the main character talks about his life to an unnamed listener. In the second chapter, he makes the following statement while talking about friends and ...
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