Questions tagged [saki]

For questions about the works of Hector Hugh Munro (1870 – 1916), when writing as Saki, and his life as a writer. Do NOT use for questions about Hector Hugh Munro that are unrelated to his pseudonymous personality, Saki.

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5 votes
1 answer

What are nuts and super-nuts in Saki's "Beasts and Super-Beasts"?

In Saki's Beasts and Super-Beasts he refers to "Nuts" and "Super-Nuts". For example, we have “You are not going to be what they call a Nut, are you?” she inquired with some ...
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Why is it that Hohenzollerns "can't help taking life seriously"?

In Reginald on Tariffs, Saki writes: [Reginald]: And I think there should be a sort of bounty-fed export (is that the right expression?) of the people who impress on you that you ought to take life ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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What does it mean to declare "on a weak red suit"?

In Reginald on Tariffs, Saki writes: [Reginald]: I should like, for instance, a really prohibitive duty put upon the partner who declares on a weak red suit and hopes for the best. What does it ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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What does Saki mean by "the Fiscal Question"?

In Reginald on Tariffs, Saki writes: [Reginald]: I’m not going to discuss the Fiscal Question (said Reginald); I wish to be original. At the same time, I think one suffers more than one realises ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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Is there any connection between the reticence of Lady Anne and the cat-bird subplot?

While answering another question, I read Saki's short story The Reticence of Lady Anne" from his Reginald in Russia collection. Inasmuch as a story this short can be said to have "plotlines&...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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8 votes
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What is the significance of a raised black flag?

In The Lost Sanjak, Saki Writes: and, in the midst of a string of questions on indifferent topics, the examining counsel asked me with a diabolical suddenness if I could tell the Court the ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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What is the hidden meaning of "Bad News" known to Egbert and Lady Anne?

In The Reticence of Lady Anne, Saki writes: Both Egbert and Lady Anne would have preferred something from The Yeomen of the Guard, which was their favourite opera. In matters artistic they had a ...
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What is the Ruff of Don Tarquinio?

In The Reticence of Lady Anne, Saki writes: Don Tarquinio lay astretch on the Persian rug, basking in the firelight with superb indifference to the possible ill-humour of Lady Anne. His pedigree was ...
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What is the influence of Louis Quinze and Wilhelm II on furniture styling?

In Reginald in Russia, Saki writes: Reginald sat in a corner of the Princess’s salon and tried to forgive the furniture, which started out with an obvious intention of being Louis Quinze, but ...
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Why do Albanians "take life whenever they get the opportunity"?

In Reginald on Tariffs, Saki writes: There are only two classes that really can’t help taking life seriously—schoolgirls of thirteen and Hohenzollerns; they might be exempt. Albanians come under ...
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Why are Ibsen Dramas in particular mentioned in Reginald?

In Reginald on Besetting Sins: The Woman who told the Truth, Saki writes: [Reginald]: Children are given us to discourage our better emotions. That is why the stage, with all its efforts, can never ...
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12 votes
3 answers

Why does "it always turn out to be the King of Sweden"

In Reginald at the Theatre, Saki writes: [Reginald]: “There are certain fixed rules that one observes for one’s own comfort. For instance, never be flippantly rude to any inoffensive grey-bearded ...
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9 votes
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What does "The cook was a good cook, as cooks go; and as cooks go she went" mean?

In Reginald on Besetting Sins: The Woman Who Told The Truth, Saki writes And at last the dreadful thing came, as the Woman had foreseen all along that it must; it was one of those paltry little ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why does Reginald call Britain "a suburb of Jerusalem"?

In Reginald at the Theatre, Saki writes: “Oh, well, ‘dominion over palm and pine,’ you know,” quoted the Duchess hopefully; “of course we mustn’t forget that we’re all part of the great Anglo-Saxon ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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3 answers

What does "To have reached thirty, is to have failed in life." mean?

In the short story, Reginald on the Academy, Saki writes: “To have reached thirty,” said Reginald, “is to have failed in life.” Why does Reginald consider it a failure to reach the age of thirty?
TomDot Com's user avatar
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What does "It's the Early Christian that gets the fattest lion." mean?

Saki begins his short story, Reginald's Choir Treat, with the following line “Never,” wrote Reginald to his most darling friend, “be a pioneer. It’s the Early Christian that gets the fattest lion.” ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What does this mean? "To die before being painted by Sargent is to go to Heaven prematurely."

In the short story, Reginald on the Academy, Saki writes: [Reginald]: "To die before being painted by Sargent is to go to Heaven prematurely." Firstly, does this quote from Reginald imply ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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2 answers

What does "To be clever in the afternoon argues that one is dining nowhere in the evening" mean?

In the short story, Reginald on the Academy, Saki writes: “To be clever in the afternoon argues that one is dining nowhere in the evening.” What does this mean? (EDIT: Some additional context is ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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What does "beauty is only sin deep" mean?

In the short story, Reginald's Choir Treat, Saki writes: “You are really indecently vain of your appearance. A good life is infinitely preferable to good looks." "You agree with me that ...
TomDot Com's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

What inspired the writing of Sredni Vashtar?

Of the many short stories by Saki, I found Sredni Vashtar to be one of the darkest. While many of his stories are morbid, Sredni Vashtar has a young boy praying for the death of his guardian to ...
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