Questions tagged [rick-riordan]

Questions regarding the American young-adult, mythology author Rick Riordan (born 1964), or his novels. These include Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, The Trials of Apollo, and The Kane Chronicles, along with his adult series Tres Navarre.

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What is the difference between parentheses () and square brackets [] when enclosing real-time interjections in the Kane Chronicles?

The conceit that each of the books of the Kane Chronicles is a transcription of an audio recording allows frequent interjections from current-time Sadie and Carter, commenting on the past events or on ...
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Order of books by Rick Riordan [duplicate]

Where does the book called Demigods and Magicians where Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase meet the Kane siblings fit into the chronological order of the Rick Riordan books? Also where does the book ...
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If a first-person narrator addresses the reader, is it considered speech or thought?

I'm reading the novel Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief for my literature class and was trying to use the characterisation framework of PAIRS (Physical appearance, Actions, Inner Thought, ...
Sam's user avatar
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Could I read Trials of Apollo directly after PJ and Olympians? [duplicate]

I read all of the first series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Years later I’m picking it back up. I didn’t know they all tied into each other, but anyhow I picked up the Trials of Apollo. Did I ...
Crooks's user avatar
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Does time pass for people turned to gold?

In The Lost Hero, when Piper wakes up from being a gold statue: Piper woke up cold and shivering. She’d had the worst dream about an old guy with donkey ears chasing her around and shouting, You’...
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How accurate are Rick Riordan's portrayals of ancient myths?

The story of Cadmus and Harmonia as presented in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, is unique in claiming that Harmonia became mortal: Cadmus wasn’t sure he should be stealing the dragon’s ...
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How do the monsters return without the Doors of Death?

During the events of The Heroes of Olympus, Gaea opened up the Doors of Death so that the monsters could come back easier. However, I could find no mention of how they got back without the Doors. But ...
Mithical's user avatar
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In what order should Rick Riordan's mythological series be read to make the most sense, and what is the chronological order?

As established in this question, all of Rick Riordan's mythological series take place in a single universe. I have not read any of his books, but this gave me a question. If I were to read the books ...
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Are the different mythological series by Rick Riordan set in the same universe?

Rick Riordan is the author of many series of fictional works about mythology. These include: Percy Jackson & the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, The Kane Chronicles, the book set Demigods and ...
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What do these prophetic lines in The Hidden Oracle mean?

So there are 2 lines in The Hidden Oracle The fall of the Sun The final verse Well obviously, the fall of the Sun refers to Apollo becoming mortal. but what about the final verse? A theory; It ...
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