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Questions tagged [jean-paul-sartre]

Questions about the works of the French novelist, playwright and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980) or his life as a writer. Questions about his philosophy should usually be asked on Philosophy Stack Exchange unless they pertain to understanding an aspect of one of his literary works. Use this tag with the [french-language] tag.

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13 votes
2 answers

Why did the characters in "No Exit" agree to torment each other?

Once the characters in No Exit realized that they were placed there to torment each other, why didn't they refuse to do so? When Joseph says "eh bien, continuons" ("very well, let's get on with it") ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
6 votes
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Choice of title in Nausea (Sartre)?

Long ago a reader of this book told me that Sartre wanted a word that described something worse than pain (I see in the wikipedia article that the original title was Melancholia) or perhaps some ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Why did "the human race became a small committee surrounded by affectionate animals" for Sartre in the Words?

What is Sartre's metaphor meaning in the Words when saying : "The human race became a small committee surrounded by affectionate animals." The context is when he begins to become familiar ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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Sartre on amorality and his influence on Vargas Llosa?

I noticed Vargas Llosa credits Sartre with his characters being amoral. I'm wondering when does Sartre write about amorality? About characters not facing repercusions for their amoral acts. I'm very ...
Kratz's user avatar
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Where did Camus call Sartre's theory of commitment an illusion?

Albert Camus "is routinely categorized as an existentialist, a term he rejected on several occasions" (Wikipedia). His critique of existentialistm focused mostly on Sartre. Alain Vircondelet'...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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Huis Clos Description of the room

How does the room in hell in the first scene of the French play Huis Clos (No Exit in English) by Jean-Paul Sartre look like and how does Joseph Garcin react to it?
calculatormathematical's user avatar