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What does Athena mean in this passage of book 3 of the Odyssey?

In book 3 of The Odyssey, Athena says this to Telemachus after he says that he will never gain her favor (in Robert Fagles' translation): “Telemachus!” Pallas Athena broke in sharply, her eyes afire— ...
Vihaan Kaustuv's user avatar
3 votes
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What does Athena mean by 'slaughtering his droves of sheep and cattle'?

In book 1 of The Odyssey, Athena says to Zeus (in Robert Fagles' translation): While I myself go down to Ithaca, rouse his son to a braver pitch, inspire his heart with courage to summon the flowing-...
Vihaan Kaustuv's user avatar
4 votes
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What does Athena mean by "suave, seductive words" in the Odyssey?

In book 1 of The Odyssey, Athena says to Zeus (in Robert Fagles' translation): "Atlas’ daughter it is who holds Odysseus captive, luckless man—despite his tears, forever trying to spellbind his ...
Vihaan Kaustuv's user avatar
2 votes
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Who are the '12 children of Aiolos Hippotadês', as introduced in Book 10, The Grace of the Witch, of Homer's Odyssey?

Below is an excerpt of Book 10, The Grace of the Witch, of Homer's Odyssey We made our landfall on Aiolia Island, domain of the Aiolos Hippotadês, the wind king dear to the gods who never die- an ...
Abhiraj Mallangi's user avatar
15 votes
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Had Keats read any of Homer's works before reading Chapman's translation of them?

In "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer," John Keats writes: Oft of one wide expanse had I been told That deep-browed Homer ruled as his demesne; Yet never did I breathe its pure serene ...
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