Questions tagged [albert-camus]

Questions about the works of the Algerian-born French philosopher and author Albert Camus (1913 – 1960) or his life as a writer. His works should be tagged with [french-literature]. He is best known for his works 'The Stranger', 'The Plague' and others.

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Seeming contradiction in 'Absurdity and Suicide' (The Myth of Sisyphus)

From the section "An Absurd Reasoning: Absurdity and Suicide" of The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus: I therefore conclude that the meaning of life is the most urgent of questions. How to ...
user392289's user avatar
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What did Camus mean by "the odd vegetation of those distant regions" in "The Myth of Sisyphus"?

In his essay 'The Myth of Sisyphus', Albert Camus considers suicide, the "one truly serious philosophical problem", and asks, "is there a logic to the point of death?" Then he ...
Patrick S's user avatar
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What was bernanosian about Camus's call to sacrifice in the resistance newspaper Combat?

For several years, Albert Camus was editor-in-chief of Combat, a clandestine newspaper of the French Resistance. In his biography Albert Camus, fils d'Alger ("Albert Camus, son of Algiers", ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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Where did Camus call Sartre's theory of commitment an illusion?

Albert Camus "is routinely categorized as an existentialist, a term he rejected on several occasions" (Wikipedia). His critique of existentialistm focused mostly on Sartre. Alain Vircondelet'...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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"Each of us has the plague within him" from The Plague by Albert Camus

I'm reading The Plague By Albert Camus. I'm not getting few things that Tarrou said when talking of his previous life to all to Dr. Bernard Rieux. First, he talks about his father, mother, and all. ...
Young Kindaichi's user avatar
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Is Raymond having an affair with Masson's wife?

When Raymond, Meursault, and Marie went to visit Raymond's friend, Masson, they decide to go to swim after a brief time but Masson's wife and Raymond refuse the idea and rather stay at the bungalow. ...
SNR's user avatar
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What does Albert Camus mean with "they remembered pleasure"?

In his novel The Plague, Albert Camus wrote among others: So everyone comes down into the streets, they deafen each other with talk, argue or lust after one another - and the town, under the red July ...
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Did Camus have a known source of inspiration for Meursault's behaviour during and after his mother's funeral?

Camus's novel The Stranger begins with the news of the death and the funeral of Meursault's mother. Meursault smokes cigarettes during the wake, doesn't weep before, during or after the funeral, and ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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7 votes
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Did Camus ever say “Always go too far, because that's where you'll find the truth”?

This statement has been attributed to Albert Camus in various places on the internet. For example, this one: However, his Wikiquote page doesn't contain this quote. So did he actually say it? If he ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Interpretation of a Camus Quote

In The Plague, Rieux, the main character of the novel, in Chapter 15, claims that I've seen too much of hospitals to relish any idea of collective punishment. What does he mean by that? How exactly ...
newbie's user avatar
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Notebook epigram referring to 'only death in the universe'

Camus says somewhere that there is only death in the universe. By 'death' he simply means physics (energy, matter). He is rejecting the metaphysics of a universal dualism: Life and Death. I believe ...
G Dugdale's user avatar
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Where did Camus define "the novel as the place where the human being is abandoned to other human beings"?

Albert Camus once defined the novel as the place where the human being is abandoned to other human beings. The plague novel is the place where all human beings abandon all other human beings. Unlike ...
Ivie's user avatar
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A quote on failure and triumph attributed to Kierkegaard by Camus

In chapter 3 of his essay The Myth of Sisyphus / Le Mythe de Sisyphe, Camus discusses how several philosophers who have dealt with what he calls the absurd. One of these is Kierkegaard, of whom he ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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3 answers

Why would not giving money to the poor qualify a person as a Sadducee?

In the first chapter of Albert Camus's novel The Fall, the narrator asks his addressee a few questions: Possédez-vous des richesses? Quelques-unes? Bon. Les avez-vous partagées avec les pauvres? ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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Meaning of «Ah! les Bazaine» in La chute / The Fall

In Albert Camus's novel La chute / The Fall, the main character talks about his life to an unnamed listener. In the second chapter, he makes the following statement while talking about friends and ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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What is the significance of the names Mersault and Meursault?

The novel A Happy Death, written in the late 1930s and published posthumously in 1971, has a main character named Patrice Mersault. Camus's novel The Stranger, written a few years later and published ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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How does The Meursault Investigation reference The Fall?

Kamel Daoud's novel The Meursault Investigation (Meursault, contre-enquête, 2013) is a retelling of and sequel to The Stranger / L'Étranger by Albert Camus. But that is not the only Camus novel it ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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In which interview did Camus say that Meursault is the only Christ we deserved?

In two YouTube videos about Albert Camus's novel L'étranger / The Stranger, I have found the following quote, which supposedly comes from an interview from 1955: Meursault est le seul Christ que nous ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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How is the Czechoslovak traveller's story relevant to The Stranger as a whole?

In chapter II of Part II of Camus's novel The Stranger, Meursault narrates a story that he read in an old newspaper cutting that he found under his mattress in prison. Below is a summary. A man from ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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Is Meursault bothered that he doesn't know what day Maman died?

The first line of The Stranger goes like this: Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know. I got a telegram from the home: "Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours." That doesn'...
Mithical's user avatar
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Why would Maman ask for a religious burial?

In the first chapter of The Stranger, it says: The director stopped at the door of a small building. "I'll leave you now, Monsieur Meursault. If you need me for anything, I'll be in my office. As ...
Mithical's user avatar
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Is Marie's comment based on the existence of a two-tier justice system in French Algeria?

In Camus' novel L'étranger / The Stranger, Meursault gets arrested for shooting "an Arab". During his pre-trial detention, his girlfriend Marie pays him a visit in prison and tries to give him some ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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What is Meursault's problem with the heat?

Meursault in The Stranger seems to spend a lot of time describing the temperature, and especially the heat. There are numerous cases where he mentions the sun and the heat: It occurred to me that all ...
Mithical's user avatar
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Why does Mersault say "Hello image!" to his girlfriend?

I have read the novel A Happy Death by Albert Camus. In this novel Mersault (the absurd hero) at one point says to his girlfriend, "Hello, image!". I am wondering why he calls his girlfriend "image". ...
Dikshit Gautam's user avatar
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What does Camus mean by this sentence?

I read 'A happy death' by 'Albert Camus' . In this book , Mersault once said: Believe me, there is no such thing as great suffering, great regret, great memory . . . Everything is forgotten, ...
Dikshit Gautam's user avatar
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What does Camus mean by "the disastrous fact that love and desire must be expressed in the same way"?

Here is a set of lines from the book A Happy Death by Albert Camus: In the past, whenever Mersault had spent any time with one woman, he made the first gestures of commitment, he was conscious of ...
Dikshit Gautam's user avatar
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Allusion by Albert Camus to another author

In Camus's essay The Sea Close By there's a sentence: This life rebellious to forgetfulness, rebellious to memory, of which Stevenson speaks. (page 5 of Penguin Classics 2013). Can anyone tell ...
Simon K's user avatar
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On a quote of Hegel in L'été (Summer) of Camus

This is my first question on this website, so I am not completely sure that this is the most adequate one (I could have also tried Philosophy stack exchange). In the chapter "L'exil d'Hélène" of L'...
Paul-Benjamin's user avatar
17 votes
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Why is the tense wrong in the beginning of The Stranger?

The first lines of Albert Camus' The Stranger go something like this: Mother died today. Or, maybe, yesterday It's told in the present tense, as in, when Meursault is recounting the event it had ...
GGMG-he-him's user avatar
14 votes
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Why is Camus asserting that "Marx scientific Messianism" is Bourgeois?

In The Rebel, Camus asserts that Progress, the future of science, the cult of technology and of production, are bourgeois myths, ... Why is Camus defining these themes as "bourgeois myths"?
Teddy's user avatar
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Why does Meursault kill "the Arab" in The Stranger?

In Albert Camus' book The Stranger, Meursault kills a character known as "the Arab" for no real reason at all. Meursault even acknowledges that he doesn't have to kill "the Arab" It struck me that ...
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