The 1983 National Theater production of The Merchant of Venice has an interesting take on a moment in act 3 scene 4. According to Shakespeare's script, Portia is giving Lorenzo instructions, and in doing so, mentions Jessica, Lorenzo's wife, twice:
My people do already know my mind,
And will acknowledge you and Jessica
In place of Lord Bassanio and myself.
And so farewell, till we shall meet again.LORENZO:
Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you!JESSICA:
I wish your ladyship all heart's content.PORTIA:
I thank you for your wish, and am well pleased
To wish it back on you: fare you well Jessica.
However, in the 1983 adaption, the actress playing Portia adds a small detail that isn't in the script: she forgets Jessica's name twice, pauses, and has to be reminded of Jessica's name by Jessica herself.
Why was that detail added?