Waugh's early novels, especially Vile Bodies, are notable for a "cinematic" style of pacing, with relatively short segments of narrative being "cross-cut" to build tension.

It's noted in his Wikipedia entry that he spent time in Hollywood trying to get a film production of Brideshead Revisted made, but it's unclear from the article whether he was there merely in the capacity of the owner of the rights, or actually working as a writer for the studio.

Did Waugh write any screenplays, either working for a studio or on his own?

1 Answer 1


According to Evelyn Waugh: a Biography, a biography of him written by Selina Hastings, he did write plays if not screenplays.

According to her, Waugh performed plays as a child:

he and the other schoolyard children performed plays, usually written by Waugh.

(pp 30-32)

Now these aren't screenplays, but it does show he had some experience with plays in general. (though yes, films often do have more cuts and scene shifts than physical plays)

  • thanks for this. I really am looking for screenplays. Does the Hastings biography include anything more?
    – Kevin Troy
    Commented Jan 23, 2017 at 4:37
  • @KevinTroy not in this area, not as far as I remember. I'll keep looking though and update the answer when/if I find something. Sorry.
    – user72
    Commented Jan 23, 2017 at 4:49

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