I have found mentions for at least a dozen stageplay adaptations of Le Comte de Monte Cristo online, but I wasn't able to find a copy of any of the dialogues. Is there a published version somewhere (in French)?

Note that Alexandre Dumas himself wrote an adaptation of his other most famous novel: Les trois mousquetaires.

1 Answer 1


With his frequent collaborator Auguste Maquet, Dumas did adapt The Count of Monte Cristo for the stage in four parts:

  • Monte-Cristo, première partie, first performed 3 February 1848
  • Monte-Cristo, deuxième partie, first performed the following day, 4 February 1848
  • Le Comte de Morcerf, first performed 1 April 1851
  • Villefort, first performed on 8 May 1851.

The scripts are available on archive.org as Volume 12 and Volume 13 of Dumas's Théâtre Complet, part of the Œuvres Complètes published in the Librairie Nouvelle series by Calmann Lévy / Michel Lévy Frères, Paris, 1883. Each volume includes two of the four parts. Links live as of 3 August 2024.

  • Calmann-Lévy (with a hyphen) is a publishing house (French: maison d’édition / éditeur). The books don't mention who did the editing; that person's work would be referred to by a phrase such as "sous la rédaction de ..." or "rédigé par ...".
    – Tsundoku
    Commented Aug 6 at 20:42
  • @Tsundoku thanks for the info. The hyphen postdates the publication of this set of Dumas, it seems, as there's none to be seen on the cover or title pages of the linked volumes. Edited.
    – verbose
    Commented Aug 7 at 7:59

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