Many years ago in a US middle school, in an honors literature class we read a short story in English that has stuck with me since and I haven't been able to find it.
- someone creates a computer (called an automaton or something?
- "as is tradition" the creator and someone he is showing it off to ask it a simple math problem (like what is 2+2)
- The computer gives the wrong result, saying 2+2=5 or something
- The creator corrects them, but the computer doubles down
- Eventually the computer gets angry, rips itself out of the building, and chases them
- The computer insists 2+2=5 until eventually they kill it (with water?).
I think it was written in the first half of the 1900s, I want to say 1920s-30s. All I remember was reading it on some photocopied sheets the teacher handed out - so it may have been an excerpt.
I may be wrong about the exact numbers here (and may be why I can't find it via google).
The takeaway I remember was it being a warning about authoritarianism insisting on things that are incorrect, and how things like this can get away from even well-intentioned creators.