Somewhere in the 1993-2000 time period, I had a hardback book of various linguistic oddities, I think with a red slip cover with white lettering. One of the items included was a limerick along the lines of the following:
A young Scottish girl in labor
Said, "God, but it hurts like a _____
rhyming couplet forgotten
Who _____ her _____ to a neighbor
The clue was given that the missing words were all anagrams of the same set of letters, with the answers being "saber" (or "sabre"), "bares", and "braes". "Bears" might have been another word in the couplet. In retrospect, I might have misremembered details as my brain murmured the poem repeatedly in the back of my head to keep me from "forgetting" since "braes" means "hillsides", not "underwear" (which I think I was thinking of "braies") as I'd translated in my head. Either way, the bits of the poem that I do vaguely remember have been echoing in my head this morning, and my attempts to search have netted me nothing other than a site that tried to sign me up for dating in my area based on using the word "bares" in my search query (although the excerpt on Google suggested that they were claiming to instead be sharing some amusing limericks).