In Day 2 Story 3 of the Decameron:
There was formerly in our city a knight, by name Messer Tedaldo, of the Lamberti, according to some, or, as others say, of the Agolanti family, perhaps for no better reason than that the occupation of his sons was similar to that which always was and is the occupation of the Agolanti.
Fu già nella nostra città un cavaliere il cui nome fu messer Tebaldo, il quale, secondo che alcuni vogliono, fu de' Lamberti, e altri affermano lui essere stato degli Agolanti, forse piú dal mestier de' figliuoli di lui poscia fatto, conforme a quello che sempre gli Agolanti hanno fatto e fanno, prendendo argomento che da altro.
The Agolanti family were a real family in Italy, but I couldn't find any information on their (real or reputed) occupation. What does this "occupation" remark refer to?