In his 1PM radio broadcast on 12 May 1926, John Reith, managing director of the BBC, recited William Blake's "And did those feet in ancient time" (also known as "Jerusalem") [1] to celebrate the end of the General Strike which had lasted for nine days and which the BBC had opposed throughout.

Which version did he use - the one with Blake's original words "these dark Satanic mills", or the one with the altered words "those dark Satanic mills"?

(This information is not included in the summary of that broadcast which is available in Warwick University's collection.)

(See another question which asks about the first usage of the altered words.)

[1] "And did those feet in ancient time" should not be confused with the much longer poem Jerusalem The Emanation of the Giant Albion.

1 Answer 1


A recording of Reith's recitation was included in Episode 1 of the BBC radio series Battle of the Airwaves, and can be heard at 11 minutes 42s into the episode. Although the presenter rather unhelpfully talks over the "dark Satanic mills" line, I think it can be made out that Reith said "those" rather than "these", thus using the altered version of Blake's words.

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