Martin Luther’s auspicious life on earth began in 1483 A.D. and he got salvation in the year 1546 A.D. John Milton’s scared life began in 1608 and he went to God’s abode in the year 1674 A.D.
As far as I know, Mr. Luther’s ideas were very much accepted and celebrated, as of evangelists themselves, in his own lifetime. Mr. Milton wrote his “On his being arrived at the age of twenty three” when he was 23 years old so the year would have been 1631, and that poem showed clearly the love of Milton for God. Mr. Luther’s “The 95 Theses” were found hanging in the year 1517. Now, what I conjecture is if Mr. Luther was accepted so much in his own life time then he would have been much more accepted after more than 100 years and even that in England. Mr. Milton loved God, Mr. Luther made teachings of Christ clearer, so what I think is that how Mr. Luther’s ideas could’ve affected those of Mr. Milton? Did Mr. Milton made any allusion to him directly or indirectly? All I can find is that Milton used the word Protestant in a para (quoted by Thomas Hardy) which goes like this
Whoso prefers either Matrimony or other Ordinance before the Good of Man and the plain Exigence of Charity, let him profess Papist, or Protestant, what he will, he is no better than a Pharisee. — J. Milton