I'm trying to understand this passage in Herodotus's HistoriesHistories (Book 1 chapter 208):
So these opinions contended; and Cyrus set aside his former plan and chose that of Croesus; wherefore he bade Tomyris draw her army off, for he would cross (he said) and attack her; so she withdrew as she had promised before.
I'm unsure where exactly Tomyris promises to withdraw.
I might be misunderstanding what she says in chapter 206:
"Cease, king of the Medes, from that on which you are intent; for you cannot know if the completion of this work will be for your advantage. Cease, and be king of your own country; and be patient so see us ruling those whom we rule. But if you will not take this counsel, and will do all rather than remain at peace, then if you so greatly desire to essay the strength of the Massagetae, do you quit your present labour of bridging the river, and suffer us to draw off three days' journey from the Araxes; and when that is done, cross into our country. Of if you desire then to receive us into your country, do you then yourself withdraw as I have said."
Can someone explain where she promises to retreat and what exactly Tomyris means in the last 2 sentences of her message?